Saturday, January 9, 2016

Learning Challenges: H.E.A.R.T.

Of the H.E.A.R.T. topics, I'm most interested in Attention and Time. I feel like I used to do pretty well with time management, but the longer I'm in school and the more I do, the shorter my attention span becomes. Last spring in particular I had issues with procrastinating and not being able to focus on my schoolwork, which in turn made the semester even more anxiety-inducing than it already was. It wasn't bad enough to have negative consequences for my grades, but I'd really rather not repeat the tiredness and constant stress of that spring. Anyway, re-discovering my attention span and time management skills would be welcome this semester as well as help my mental health.

I tend to get wrapped up in school and completely forget about the things that I once enjoyed. I liked this image posted on Learning by HEART, because it reminded me that by doing what I enjoy (like reading) along with school, I'll probably help myself deal with some of the stress and bad moods I have each semester.


  1. Wow, Susanna, I just have to say THANK YOU for giving me such a lovely morning of reading blog posts. During the soft start of the semester, I can enjoy this lovely illusion of keeping up and being able to read and enjoy everything! It was get all hectic soon enough...
    Anyway, I am glad the time thing resonates for you. What I learned from the growth mindset posts that people wrote last semester is that time management is a huge challenge, and then when I started pulling together all the inspirational and motivational stuff I had lying around, it naturally sorted itself out into these related categories, since "time" is actually connected with all these other things: time to grow and also to focus, time to read, time to connect with others, and just time to work on your own happiness and wellness. I'm not sure how many students will do these challenges, but I like the idea that they are there so that I can suggest them if people start to seem stressed out: most of the people in these classes are seniors, and graduation is such an exciting and amazing event, but it can also be stressful too, as any change is, even good change. So, this is a new experiment this semester and if it provides some help and good ideas even to just a few people in class, I will be happy!
    And thank you again for all these blog posts: since I was drinking coffee this whole time, it was like being in a virtual cafe, enjoying all your good thoughts. Have a nice weekend... hopefully with some time for reading before the semester takes over. :-)

  2. I love that quote that you put here! I know what you mean about having issues with time. I never can seem to find time to read, and I know I need to MAKE time to read, but that's easier said than done. Reading is super important, and reading goes hand in hand with writing.

  3. Hey Susanna!

    I seem to be frequenting your blog quite often now! I think the growth mindset challenges are so cool and really like the quote that you used along with yours here. It is actually so true, especially when I was younger - I used to just loose myself in books and I would find myself so upset when books and stories that I was really invested in would end!
