Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Week 8: Time Strategies

I started out with good time strategies for this semester -- I got over two weeks ahead in this course because it opened up so early, and I opted to maximize my spare time before the semester started full-force to give myself a lot of room for assignment deadlines in Epics. Overall, I've been doing well managing time when I have it to do homework for both this class and my others, in that I'm generally able to focus and get things done rather than procrastinate or get distracted.

What I haven't done so well is make time in which to do homework. I thought I'd have plenty on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and into the weekends, but my schedule has a way of filling up with school things during the week, and on the weekends I've been off to folk dances and really prioritizing my time with that community over schoolwork. By this point, I've lost the extra weeks I'd bought myself for this class when I worked ahead, and I'm sometimes struggling just to keep up with the daily due dates (including choosing sleep over completing a few assignments during the past two weeks -- I had enough extra credit to pad these out, though).

 Despite being super busy this semester, I feel more energetic than stressed most of the time. I'm currently towards the right side of the yellow part of this meter -- edging towards too much, but still overall enjoying what I'm doing.

My goal for the second half of this semester, then, is to really, really maximize the time I have over spring break to get ahead again in this class and also to work on research papers that are coming up due in April. If I can get just a week ahead again in Epics, it will make my workload during the weeks easier to manage. I like the schedule I had set for the first part of the semester, doing most of the week's work on the weekends before it's due, but if I can't get ahead again, I'll be stuck doing most assignments the day they're due instead of before. I want to get back to my earlier schedule, and I also would like to finish this course early, as the week before Dead Week is when things get rough for me with research papers and such.

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